The Callus95. Mustafa Games Download full free (Cadillacs and Dinosaurs)

The Callus95

Callus is a Capcom Arcade Emulator released in 1998, programmed by Icer Addis (Smegma, Sardu).vertigo It runs many of the classic games that inspired Bloodlust Software 

(Final Fight, Street Fighter 2, 3 Wonders,Captain Commando,Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, The Punisher, Street Fighter 2 Turbo & many more).
This is a Capcom CPS-1 Emulator that features net play.

This is a patched version of Callus95 0.42, made by Bloodlust Software allowing
extra games, DIP settings and features that were unknown at the time of release.
99.9% of Callus and Callus95 is written by Sardu, we take no credit for this
great CPS-1 system emulator... All credit belongs to Sardu, may the legend live.
Callus95 has not been officially updated since 06/24/1998.
Thus, it can be considered as a dead project.

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Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

minimum System Requirements
90 MHz Pentium™ class processor (Intel, Cyrix 6×86), 16 MB RAM, Windows 95, Direct X 3.0  Hi Color (65,535 color) capable 1 MB PCI video card with DirectDraw 3.0 compatible driver, hard disk — 10 MB plus space for save games (additional space required for DirectX 3.0 installation), keyboard.
Reviewed on: P-120, 32 MB RAM, 16X CD-ROM drive, Diamond Stealth 64 video