Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere ISO

Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere 

the live operating system, Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere 

Tails Latest version for Windows, Mac and Linux download files below

This release fixes many security vulnerabilities. You should upgrade as soon as possible.

Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly.

It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a USB stick or a DVD independently of the computer's original operating system. It is Free Software and based on Debian GNU/Linux.

Tails come with several built-in applications pre-configured with security in mind: web browser, instant messaging client, email client, office suite, image and sound editor, etc.
Tails is a live system that aims to preserve your privacy and anonymity. It helps you to use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship almost anywhere you go and on any computer but leaving no trace unless you ask it to explicitly. It is a complete operating system designed to be used from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card independently of the computer’s original operating system.

Tails come with several built-in applications pre-configured with security in mind: web browser, instant messaging client, email client, office suite, image and sound editor, etc.

Tails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity and helps you to:

• use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship;
• all connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network;
• leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly;
• use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt your files, emails and instant messaging.

This release is an emergency release to fix a critical security vulnerability in Firefox.

It also fixes other security vulnerabilities. You should upgrade as soon as possible.

Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere 

Older machines with less than 2GB of RAM may only be compatible with the 32-bit version. 

Install from Debian, Ubuntu, or Mint using the command line and GnuPG

Download and verify the USB image

In this step, you will download the latest Tails USB image and verify it using the Tails signing key.

  1. Download the USB image:

    wget --continue http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/stable/tails-amd64-4.7/tails-amd64-4.7.img

  2. Download the signature of the USB image:

    wget https://tails.boum.org/torrents/files/tails-amd64-4.7.img.sig

  3. Verify that the USB image is signed by the Tails signing key:

    TZ=UTC gpg --no-options --keyid-format long --verify tails-amd64-4.7.img.sig tails-amd64-4.7.img

    The output of this command should be the following:

    gpg: Signature made Mon Jun  1 17:35:40 2020 UTC
    gpg:                using RSA key FE029CB4AAD4788E1D7828E8A8B0F4E45B1B50E2
    gpg: Good signature from "Tails developers <tails@boum.org>" [full]
    gpg:                 aka "Tails developers (offline long-term identity key) <tails@boum.org>" [full]

    Verify in this output that:

    • The date of the signature is the same.
    • The signature is marked as Good signature since you certified the Tails signing key with your own key.